

The universities whose image appear here do not imply our preference for a certain law school.
They are just images of well known universities. Our goal is that our website visitor gets inspiration from the pictures.


◊ Cláudio Maurício Freddo   (LLM Columbia 2000 – JD USP 1996 – Journalism USP 1991)

Lawyer in São Paulo, Claudio Mauricio Freddo practice includes administrative, financial and corporate law, most especially in government procurement, project finance and contracts. He taught the subject “Corporations” in Insper, São Paulo. Wrote fortnightly about PPP in the brazilian newspaper “Gazeta Mercatil” finance section between 2003 and 2005. Freddo is one of the founding partners of Freddo Advogados.

Freddo represented clients in significant privatizations in Brazil, including CEG/Riogás and the Terminal de Contêineres do Porto de Santos, both in 1997, and also telecom companies from the old Telebrás system, in 1998. He advised clients also in other government procurement procedures. He has experience in trials before the brazilian Superior Court of Justice and the Administrative Counsel for Economic Defence (CADE).

As international associate of american law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy in New York, in 2000 and 2001, Freddo took part in operations concerning debt and equity offerings and represented lenders in the project finance “Barracuda e Pescada”.

Claudio M. Freddo studied law at the Faculdade de Direito da USP (1996) and journalism at the Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP (1991). In 2000, he earned his LL.M degree at Columbia University, in New York. Is a member of Brazilian Bar Association since 1997. Claudio M. Freddo received a scolarship from Fundação Estudar (1999) and was board member at that organization (2003 a 2006). He speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese (native language).

◊ Emanuel de Abreu Pessoa   (LLM – Harvard 2012 – Masters Degree – UFC 2008 – JD UFC 2006)

Lawyer in São Paulo and Fortaleza, awarded twice as one of the “Most Admired Lawyers of the State of Ceará” (2009-2010 and 2012-2013), Emanuel de Abreu Pessoa acts in Civil, Tax and Administrative Law. It was administrator-partner at Aragão & Pessoa Advogados Associados (law firm) and is currently Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at MOBIBAN.CO, an alternative payment methods startup. With strong academic experience, Pessoa works as a teacher at the Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado do Ceará since 2008; and in the Universidade Federal do Ceará since 2007 ministering the following subjects: Contracts (Aug. 2007/ Jun. 2011; Dec. 2012 until now), Property Law (Aug. 2007/ Dec. 2010), Corporate Law (Jul. 2010/Dec. 2010), Private International Law (Feb. 2011/Jun. 2011), Law of Obligations (Feb. 2011/Jun. 2011).Emanuel de Abreu Pessoa got his Bachelor of Laws degree cum magna laude by Universidade Federal do Ceará in 2006, and his Master of Laws degree in the same University in 2008. In 2012 earned another Master of Laws degree by Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA.

In 2014 iniciated his Laws Ph.D. studies at the Universidade de São Paulo. Has got scolarships from Fundação Estudar in 2011, from Instituto Ling in the same year and from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq between 2006 and 2008. Speaks english and spanish.


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◊ Fernando de Moura Azevedo (MBA USP 2008 – JD USP 1981 – History USP 1982)

Lawyer in São Paulo, Fernando de Moura Azevedo practice includes a full attendance concerning different kinds of real estate transactions, in which he practices all the necessary real estate-linked branches of law, such construction, corporate, contract, tax and administrative law.

He has experience in real estate transactions such as acquisitions, alienations and property development. As general counsel of well known São Paulo real estate companies, Moura Azevedo has leaded, for over fifteen years, several transactions including acquisitions, negotiations between property owners, regularization in real estate deeds office and public agencies, property development and condominium incorporation.

Fernando de Moura Azevedo has studied law at the Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (1981) and History at the Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP (1982). He also attended a MBA course in “Real Estate Development” (USP – 2008).